Long Island Child Support Lawyers
Experienced Child Support Attorneys Serving Suffolk County, NY
If you have a child support case in family court in Suffolk County or Nassau County you must make sure to have an experienced family law attorney by your side to protect your rights. Our Long Island child support lawyers at Laurence Silverman & Associates have over 50 years of experience representing clients in child support cases.
Questions about which parent must pay support and the amounts that have to be paid are difficult and complex. Family court decisions can place an unfairly heavy burden on a parent. Many parents do not give the court accurate information about their income or assets which result in an unfair decision. An experienced attorney can bring this to the court’s attention.
It takes an experienced attorney to get to the truth and to bring to the Court’s attention all the details of your employment and expenses so that the amount of support ordered by the Judge is fair and reasonable.
Some things to consider are:
- The manner in which your income is paid
- Your living expenses
- The extra-curricular activities of the child(ren)
- The income of the custodial party
To request a free case review with an experienced Long Island child support attorney, contact us online here or call us today at (631) 816-2684.
Calculating Child Support in New York
Child support is money paid by a parent in order to provide for a child’s needs. The monthly payments cover general expenses, including health care, education, and other related child-care costs.
If the child lives with one parent more than half of the time, then the noncustodial must provide child support to the other parent. If the child resides in an equal capacity with both parents, there could still be a child support order in place.
When it comes to determining child support, the court must figure out each parent’s income, including all types of wages (e.g. salary, commission, tips, etc.), Social Security benefits, unemployment benefits, and veteran’s benefits. Any type of child support for other child will be subtracted.
The court then multiplies the combined income of each parent based on the following percentages, according the number of children they share:
One child – 17 percent
Two children – 25 percent
Three children – 29 percent
Four children – 31 percent
Five children or more – 35 percent
The court will divide that amount according to the income of each parent, so that the noncustodial parent pays the other his/her share. The court will also determine if the formula is fair. If you have any questions on calculating your child support, reach out to our Long Island child support attorneys today.
Understanding Your Child Support Rights
Navigating the complexities of child support can be overwhelming, especially during emotionally challenging times. At Laurence A. Silverman & Associates, we believe that knowledge is power. Understanding your rights and responsibilities is crucial to ensuring that your child's best interests are prioritized.
Here are some essential aspects of child support rights that every parent should know:
- Right to Fair Support: Every parent has the right to seek a fair assessment of child support that reflects their financial situation and the needs of their child.
- Modification Requests: If your financial circumstances change, you have the right to request a modification of the child support order to reflect your current situation.
- Access to Information: Parents have the right to access information regarding the other parent's income, expenses, and any other relevant financial details that may affect child support calculations.
- Legal Representation: You have the right to seek legal representation to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive fair treatment in child support matters.
- Enforcement of Orders: If the other parent fails to meet their child support obligations, you have the right to seek enforcement through legal channels to ensure compliance.
Our dedicated team at Laurence A. Silverman & Associates is here to guide you through the process, ensuring that you fully understand your rights and options. We are committed to advocating for your family's needs and securing the best possible outcomes for your children.
How Our Long Island Child Support Attorneys Can Help
Reach out to our legal team in Long Island now if you have to appear in family court in Suffolk County or Nassau County on a child support petition. Do not go to court on your own and let us help you obtain the most favorable outcome possible.
Learn more about our affordable and effective child support attorneys by contacting us or giving us a call today.

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